If you like to win free, signed copies of memoirs from lots of different authors, then you need to sign up RIGHT THIS MINUTE for my newsletter at http://eepurl.com/h340Ib - or you can sign up from any page of my website, including this one.
Here’s a preview of what’s coming up THIS WEDNESDAY:
How does a mother cope when two of her three daughters face insurmountable obstacles? Read my interview with J Mark Stacy as she tells her heartbreaking, yet hopeful, story. Her book, Tapped and Skipped, tells of a daughter’s descent into the hell of schizophrenia, just as she nearly lost another daughter to drug addiction.
August is back-to-school month and I’ve featured a fun writing contest with prizes. You don’t have to be a professional writer - or a writer at all - to enter.. Just have fun with it!
What’s my favorite read for the month? I’ll give you a hint. It’s a memoir! And it’s a really, really good one.
You’ll also find another fun writing contest related to August and, um, it’s a “hot” one.
If you want to discover a new, paying writing market, you’ll find one here. I offer writing advice, links to some great events and sites, and more.
And of course I’ll bring you some brief news concerning my own progress in finding representation for my third memoir, so sign up and stay tuned.
Thank you for reading my blog!
Happy end-of-summer!
Here’s that link again - http://eepurl.com/h340Ib